Please fill in the short and simple forms below for our records. The information is kept confidential and is only for the use of EduPlan team.
This page is designed to be a curriculum for EduPlan Parents to explain different aspects of the application process, and to guide you about your role in our journey together.
Information for EduPlan Parents
There are three ways to be always informed and updated on the student’s pending tasks and progress:
Number#1– Review the task summary email sent from our system, CounselMore. This summary will provide you with the tasks that the student must complete and the date due for each task. If you see a task that starts with “PARENTS”, that assignment is for you to complete directly (not the student). Please make sure to complete it and ask the student to mark it “Done” on CounselMore so that it doesn’t show pending moving forward.
As the student completes their pending tasks, they must mark them as “Done” on CounselMore in order for them to not appear again. Please help us ensure the student is proceeding in this proactive way.
Number#2– Log in to CounselMore to review the student’s pending tasks/assignments. Parents have their log-ins, and should have received an email offering you to sign up for CounselMore. If you can’t find that invitation email, we would be glad to send you a new one – just let us know! If you are unsure how to log into CounselMore, here is a short TUTORIAL VIDEO.
Number#3– Attend meetings or request meeting recordings. We are always happy to have you participate in our student meetings. If your student is comfortable with having you, we would be thrilled for you to join. However, if your schedule does not permit it, or the student prefers not to have you participate, we are also happy to record the meeting (whether it is in person or on Zoom) and send you the recording afterward. You will need to make this request as recording meetings is not a regular practice for us.
EduPlan provides up to 30 cumulative hours of counseling services that will be conducted in person, via email, online, and telephone calls, as necessary. We have found that for the majority of students, 30 hours accrue excellent results while helping the student go through the process with confidence and reduced stress.
Watch this SHORT VIDEO to understand our meeting schedule during the consultancy period.
At the onset of our consulting process, we will have our:
First Meeting to develop a 4-year plan, and
Second Meeting – One month after the first meeting to assess progress and develop your resume
Freshmen & Sophomores – Once per semester & once over the Summer
Juniors – Once per month EXCEPT FOR the months of September, October & May
Once you finish your resume, upload the MS Word file onto your Smartsheet.
Watch this 2-minute Tutorial HERE on how to upload a document onto Smartsheet.
CLICK HERE to review a sample resume that highlights the smart use of information to catch reader's attention. Use the color legend below to understand what each highlight indicates in the above sample resume:
RED - Indicates the use of verb to begin your sentences to highlight your work
YELLOW - Indicates the subject/ area of expertise which is relevant to your expertise
GREEN - Indicates quantitative outcomes/ numbers to demonstrate the result
BLUE - Indicates the use of phrases to demonstrate the qualitative outcome of your work
ORANGE - Indicates the use of technical phrases that can highlight your technical knowledge and skills
If you have completed the resume workshop above, and need a quick recap, CLICK HERE to watch a short refresher tutorial.
I look forward to reviewing your resume draft soon and helping you create a fantastic final document!
To conclude, here is a quick recap:
💡 Each sentence should be structured on Google’s XYZ formula: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]."
💡 Example: Instead of saying "worked with team members on a project", say "Collaborated with 5+ analysts on go-to-market strategy by researching 20+ cities across the United States, resulting in an ARR of $1M."
💡 Last but not least, keep it concise. One or two pages max